How I Quit My Day Job to Write Full Time

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Embarking on a journey to leave a stable day job to pursue a passion for writing full-time is a daring and transformative decision. It entails not just a career change but a complete lifestyle overhaul. This article delves into the personal experiences, strategies, and critical steps taken by individuals who have successfully made this transition, providing a roadmap for aspiring writers dreaming of dedicating their lives to their craft.

The Decision

The leap from a day job to full-time writing is fueled by a deep-seated passion for storytelling and the desire to carve out a life that feels more authentic and fulfilling. For many, the decision comes after years of juggling writing with a 9-to-5 job, feeling the constant tug of their true calling. The realization that life is too short to not pursue one’s passions is a common catalyst.

Planning and Preparation

Transitioning to full-time writing does not happen overnight. It requires meticulous planning and preparation. Setting aside a financial safety net is paramount; most successful transitions involve saving enough to cover at least six months to a year of living expenses. This financial cushion allows writers the peace of mind to focus on their writing without the immediate pressure of generating income.

Building a Writing Portfolio

A robust portfolio is essential for securing freelance writing gigs, publishing opportunities, or attracting agents. Aspiring full-time writers often start by contributing articles to blogs, local publications, or writing short stories. Websites like Medium and Wattpad offer platforms for writers to publish their work and start building an audience.

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Networking plays a crucial role in the writing world. Joining writing groups, attending literary events, and engaging with the writing community on social media can open doors to publishing opportunities and invaluable advice from established writers. Websites like Meetup or the Alliance of Independent Authors offer resources for finding writing communities.

Making the Leap

When the preparations feel sufficient, and the timing aligns, making the leap involves transitioning from the day job to dedicating full-time hours to writing. This transition period is often marked by a mix of excitement and fear, but setting a structured daily routine can help manage the uncertainty. Embracing the discipline to write daily, setting achievable goals, and treating writing as a professional endeavor are key to sustaining momentum.

Sustaining Your New Career

Sustaining a career in writing requires more than just talent and passion; it demands perseverance, adaptability, and continuous learning. Diversifying income streams through freelancing, teaching writing workshops, or speaking engagements can provide financial stability. Additionally, understanding the business side of writing, including marketing and self-promotion, is crucial for long-term success.

Leveraging Online Platforms

In today’s digital age, online platforms play a significant role in a writer’s career. Building an online presence through a personal blog, social media, and writers’ networks can help in promoting work, connecting with readers, and staying informed about the writing industry.

The Emotional Journey

The transition to full-time writing is not just a career change; it’s a deeply personal journey. It involves facing fears, embracing uncertainty, and finding joy in the pursuit of one’s passion. The emotional rollercoaster of rejections and successes is part of the process, but the fulfillment of living a life true to one’s passions is unparalleled.


Quitting a day job to write full-time is a bold step that requires courage, preparation, and resilience. While the journey is fraught with challenges, it is also filled with opportunities for growth, creativity, and fulfillment. For those who dream of making writing their life’s work, the path is demanding but deeply rewarding.

For more insights and resources on making the transition to full-time writing, consider exploring the following:

  • The Writers’ Union of Canada ( for professional development and support.
  • The Creative Penn (, a blog with resources on writing, publishing, and marketing.
  • Writer’s Digest ( for writing advice and industry news.

Embracing the journey to full-time writing is a testament to the power of following one’s dreams, underscored by strategic planning and a commitment to the craft of writing.

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